LDR 12073nam#a2200757#i#450# 001 2742 005 20250202114149.7 008 _ 20181112d2018####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-5-6042215-0-1 044 ## _$axxu 072 #7 _$aForensic Medicine. MED030000 _$aInternal Medicine. MED045000 080 ## _$aМедицина. Охрана здоровья. 61 084 ## _$aПрикладные отрасли медицины. 58 _2bbk 084 ## _$aКлиническая медицина. 31.06.2001 _2okso 084 ## _$aСудебно-медицинская экспертиза. 31.08.10 _2okso 084 ## _$aКлиническая медицина. 31.07.01 _2okso 084 ## _$aСудебная экспертиза. 40.05.03 _2okso 084 ## _$aКлиническая медицина в целом. 573 _2tbk 084 ## _$aДругие отрасли медицины. 577 _2tbk 084 ## _$aСудебная медицина и психиатрия. 7585 _2tbk 084 ## _$aКлиническая медицина. 76.29 _2grnti 084 ## _$aПрочие отрасли медицины и здравоохранения. 76.35 _2grnti 100 #1 _$aUstyukhina, Irina A _$a111 Main State Center of the Forensic and Criminalistics Examination of The Ministry of Defence of The Russian Federation 100 #1 _$aKorabelnikov, Daniil Ivanovich _$aMoscow Medical - Social Institute named after Friedrich Haass 245 00 _$aForensic examination of living persons with malnutrition: a guide _$cTextbook 260 1# _$aMoscow _$bMoscow Medical - Social Institute named after Friedrich Haass _$c2018 300 ## _$a72 p. 500 ## _$aThe Guide is devoted to one of the insufficiently studied problems of forensic medicine - forensic medical examination in case of insufficient nutrition. Recommendations are given on the examinations in case of nutritional deficiency based on the developed medical criteria for establishing the degree of severity to health caused by prolonged qualitative and quantitative malnutrition. Examples of the practice of conducting forensic medical examinations are given. The Guide is intended for educational and practical assistance to forensic pathologists, doctors, investigators and law enforcement officials; students in clinical residency and post-graduate programs, professional retraining and advanced training; senior students of medical and legal universities, professors of medical and legal educational organizations in the process of their career, self-education and self-development, methodological and pedagogical activity. _$aforensic medicine, forensic examination, living persons, malnutrition, guide _$a10.35571/MMSI.2018.1.002 510 0# _$aAvdeev AI. Sudebnaya medicina: uchebnik [Forensic Medicine: Textbook]. Moscow: Medgiz; 1960. 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