LDR 18330nam#a2200829#i#450# 001 2783 005 20250224020247.1 008 _ 20181029d2018####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-5-6042215-1-8 044 ## _$axxu 072 #7 _$aCardiology. MED010000 _$aInternal Medicine. MED045000 080 ## _$aМедицина. Охрана здоровья. 61 084 ## _$aКлиническая медицина. 54 _2bbk 084 ## _$aБолезни системы кровообращения и лимфообращения. Кардиология и ангиология. 5410 _2bbk 084 ## _$aКардиология. 31.08.36 _2okso 084 ## _$aТерапия. 31.08.49 _2okso 084 ## _$aКлиническая медицина в целом. 573 _2tbk 084 ## _$aКардиология. Ангиология. 5741 _2tbk 084 ## _$aКлиническая медицина. 76.29 _2grnti 100 #1 _$aKorabelnikov, Daniil Ivanovich _$aMoscow Medical - Social Institute named after Friedrich Haass 100 #1 _$aStrahov, Andrey A _$aMoscow Medical - Social Institute named after Friedrich Haass 245 00 _$aArterial hypertension: guide on diagnostics, treatment, examination _$cTextbook 260 1# _$aMoscow _$bMoscow Medical - Social Institute named after Friedrich Haass _$c2018 300 ## _$a120 p. 500 ## _$aThe Guide is intended to systematize and update information on the diagnostics, treatment of arterial hypertension; examination of temporary disability, medical-social and military-medical examination of patients with arterial hypertension, for educational and practical assistance to students of medical universities in clinical residency, postgraduate and post-graduate programs, advanced training of specialist doctors; professors of medical universities in the process of their self-education and self-development, methodological and pedagogical activities. _$aarterial hypertension, diagnostics, treatment, examination _$a10.35571/MMSI.2018.1.001 510 0# _$aESH/ESC Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension. 2013 Practice Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). J Hypertens. 2013;31(10):1925-1938. doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000431740.32696.cc 510 0# _$aGuidelines Sub-Committee. 1993 Guidelines for the management of mild hypertension: memorandum from a World Health Organization / International Society of Hypertension meeting. J Hypertens. 1993;11:905–918. doi: 10.1097/00004872-199309000-00004 510 0# _$aGuidelines Sub-Committee. 1999 World Health Organization-International Society of Hypertension guidelines for the management of hypertension. J Hypertens. 1999;17:151–183. 510 0# _$aGuidelines Sub-Committee. 2003 European Society of Hypertension — European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J Hypertens. 2003;21(6):1011-1053. doi: 10.1097/00004872-200306000-00001 510 0# _$aJames P.A., Oparil S., Pharm C. et al. 2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults. JAMA. 2014;311(5):507-520. doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.284427 510 0# _$aMancia G, de Backer G, Dominiczak A et al. / ESH-ESC Task Force on the Management of Arterial Hypertension. 2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: ESH-ESC Task Force on the Management of Arterial Hypertension. J Hypertens. 2007;25(9):1751–62. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3282f0580f 510 0# _$aMancia G, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E et al. / European Society of Hypertension. Reappraisal of European guidelines on hypertension management: a European Society of Hypertension Task Force document. J Hypertens. 2009;27(11):2121–58. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328333146d 510 0# _$aMancia G., De Backer G., Dominiczak A., Cifkova R., Fagard R., Germano G. et al. / The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). 2007 Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J Hypertens. 2007;25(9):1105-1187. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3281fc975a 510 0# _$aMancia G., Fagard R., Narkiewicz R., Redon J., Zanch-etti A., Bohm M. et al. The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J Hypertens. 2013;31(7):1281-1357. doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000431740.32696.cc 510 0# _$aPyorala K, De Backer G, Graham I, Poole-Wilson P, Wood D./ Prevention of coronary heart disease in clinical practice. Recommendations of the Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology, European Atherosclerosis Society and European Society of Hypertension. Eur Heart J. 1994;15:1300–1331. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.eurheartj.a060388 510 0# _$aThe Criteria Committee of the New York Heart Association. Nomenclature and Criteria for Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels. 9th ed. // Boston, Mass: Little, Brown & Co; 1994:253-256. 510 0# _$aWhelton P.K., Carey R.M., Aronow W.S., et al. 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;71(19):e127-e248. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.11.006 510 0# _$aWood D, De Backer G, Faergeman O, Graham I, Mancia G, Pyorala K. / Prevention of coronary heart disease in clinical practice. Recommendations of the Second Joint Task Force of European and other Societies on Coronary Prevention. Eur Heart J. 1998;19:1434–1503. doi: 10.1053/euhj.1998.1243 510 0# _$aAlgoritm vedeniya patsiyenta s gipertonicheskim krizom [Algorithm for managing a patient with a hypertensive crisis]. Saint Petersburg: Obshcherossiyskaya obshchestvennaya organizatsiya «Sodeystviya profilaktike i lecheniyu arterial'noy gipertenzii Antigipertenzivnaya Liga [All-Russian public organization Antihypertensive League for assistance for prevention and treatment of hypertension]; 2015. Izdaniye pervoye [First edition]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aChazova IYe, Oshchepkova YeV, Zhernakova YuV, ed. Arterial'naya gipertoniya u vzroslykh. Klinicheskiye rekomendatsii Rossiyskogo meditsinskogo obshchestva po arterial'noy gipertonii [Arterial hypertension in adults. Clinical recommendations of the Russian Medical Society on Arterial hypertension]; 2016. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aChazova YeI. Bolezni organov krovoobrashcheniya: Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey [Circulatory Diseases: A Guide for Physicians]. Moscow: Meditsina; 1997. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aGipertonicheskiye krizy. Klinicheskiye rekomendatsii Assotsiatsiya vrachey obshchey praktiki (semeynykh vrachey) Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Hypertensive crises. Clinical recommendations Association of General Practitioners (Family Physicians) Russian Federation]. Moscow. Rostov-na-Donu; 2014. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aDiagnostika i lecheniye arterial'noy gipertenzii (Rekomendatsii Rossiyskogo meditsinskogo obshchestva po arterial'noy gipertonii i Vserossiyskogo nauchnogo obshchestva kardiologov) [Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension (Recommendations of the Russian Medical Society on arterial hypertension and the All-Russian Scientific Society cardiologists)]. Sistemnyye gipertenzii [Systemic hypertension]. 2010;12:5-26. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aBaranovsky AYu. Diyetologiya. 4-ye izd. [Dietetology. 4th ed.] Saint Petersburg: Peter; 2012. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aShevchenko VP. V.T. Ivashkin, ed. Klinicheskaya diyetologiya [Clinical dietetics]. Seriya Biblioteka vracha-spetsialista [Library of a specialist series]. Moscow: Geotar-Media; 2010. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aTutel'yan VA., Samsonov MA, ed. Spravochnik po diyetologii [Handbook of Dietetics]. 3rd ed., revised. and add. Moscow: Meditsina; 2002. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aSamsonov MA, Pokrovskiy AA, ed. Spravochnik po diyetologii [Handbook of Dietetics]. ed., revised. and add. Moscow: Meditsina; 1992. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aRyabov SI, ed. Khronicheskaya pochechnaya nedostatochnost [Chronic renal failure]. I-y Leningr. med. in-t im. I. P. Pavlova [I.P. Pavlov First Leningrad medical Institute]. Leningrad: Meditsina, Leningr. Otdeleniye; 1976. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aChazova IYe, Oshchepkova YeV, Zhernakova YuV. Diagnostika i lecheniye arterial'noy gipertenzii: Rekomendatsii Rossiyskogo meditsinskogo obshchestva po arterial'noy gipertonii i Vserossiyskogo nauchnogo obshchestva kardiologov [Diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension: Recommendations of the Russian Society of Arterial Hypertension and All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology]. Moscow; 2013. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aShlyakhto YeV., Konradi A.O. Klassifikatsiya arterial'noy gipertenzii: ot Bolezni Brayta do serdechno-sosudistogo kontinuuma [Classification of arterial hypertension: from Bright Disease to cardiovascular continuum]. Arterial'naya gipertenziya [Arterial hypertension]. 2013;10(2):98-103. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aFederal'nyy zakon ot 21.11.2011 N 323-FZ Ob osnovakh okhrany zdorov'ya grazhdan v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Federal Law, dated Nov 21, 2011 N 323-FZ On the basics of protecting the health in the Russian Federation]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aFederal'nyy zakon ot 24.11.1995 N 181-FZ O sotsial'noy zashchite invalidov v Rossiyskoy Federatsii" (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 18.03.2018) [Federal Law, dated Nov 24, 1995 N 181-FZ On the social welfare of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aFederal'nyy zakon ot 12.01.1995 N 5-FZ "O veteranakh" (s izmenenyami i dopolneiyami, vstupupivshchimu v silu s 18.03.2018) [Federal law, dated Jan 12, 1995 N 5-FZ On Veterans]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPostanovleniye Pravitel'stva RF ot 20.02.2006 N 95 (red. ot 29.03.2018) "O poryadke i usloviyakh priznaniya litsa invalidom" [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, dated Feb 20, 2006 N 95 On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPostanovleniye Pravitel'stva RF ot 04.07.2013 N 565 (redaktsiya ot 21.04.2018) "Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o voyenno-vrachebnoy ekspertize" [Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, dated Jul 04, 2013 N 565 On approval of the Regulations on the military medical expertise]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Minzdrava Rossii ot 05.08.2003 N 330 (redaktsiya ot 24.11.2016) "O merakh po sovershenstvovaniyu lechebnogo pitaniya v lechebno-profilakticheskikh uchrezhdeniyakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii" (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 12.09.2003 N 5073) [Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia, dated Aug 05, 2003 N 330 On measures to improve therapeutic nutrition in medical institutions of the Russian Federation]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 11.10.2012 N 310n (redaktsiya ot 29.12.2016) "Ob utverzhdenii Poryadka organizatsii i deyatel'nosti federal'nykh gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdeniy mediko-sotsial'noy ekspertizy" (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 21.12.2012 N 26297) [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, dated Oct 10, 2012 N 310n On approval of the Organization and activities of federal government agencies medical and social expertise]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 29.01.2014 N 59n "Ob utverzhdenii Administrativnogo reglamenta po predostavleniyu gosudarstvennoy uslugi po provedeniyu mediko-sotsial'noy ekspertizy" (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 02.07.2014 N 32943) [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, dated Jan 29, 2014 N 59n On approval Administrative regulations for the provision of public services for medical and social expertise]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Minzdravsotsrazvitiya RF ot 31.01.2007 N 77 (redaktsiya ot 28.10.2009) "Ob utverzhdenii formy napravleniya na mediko-sotsial'nuyu ekspertizu organizatsiyey, okazyvayushchey lechebno- profilakticheskuyu pomoshch'" (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste RF 12.03.2007 N 9089) [Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, dated Jan 31, 2007 N 77 On approval of the referral form for medical social examination by an organization providing medical preventive care]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 17.12.2015 N 1024n (redaktsiya ot 05.07.2016) "O klassifikatsiyakh i kriteriyakh, ispol'zuyemykh pri osushchestvlenii mediko-sotsial'noy ekspertizy grazhdan federal'nymi gosudarstvennymi uchrezhdeniyami mediko- sotsial'noy ekspertizy" (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 20.01.2016 N 40650) [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, dated Dec 17, 2015 N 1024n On classifications and criteria used in medical and social examination of citizens in federal government medical social expertise]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 29.12.2015 N 1171n (redaktsiya ot 06.04.2017) "Ob utverzhdenii formy protokola provedeniya mediko-sotsial'noy ekspertizy grazhdanina v federal'nom gosudarstvennom uchrezhdenii mediko-sotsial'noy ekspertizy" (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 05.02.2016 N 40949) [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, dated Dec 29, 2015 N 1171n On approval of the protocol form for medical and social examination of a citizen in the federal state institution of medical and social expertise]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 13.04.2015 N 228n (redaktsiya ot 06.04.2017) "Ob utverzhdenii formy akta mediko-sotsial'noy ekspertizy grazhdanina i Poryadka yego sostavleniya" (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 28.05.2015 N 37410) [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, dated Apr 13, 2015 N 228n On approval of the form of the act of medical and social expert examination of the citizen and the procedure for its organization]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Minzdravsotsrazvitiya Rossii ot 29.06.2011 N 624n (redaktsiya ot 28.11.2017) "Ob utverzhdenii Poryadka vydachi listkov netrudosposobnosti" (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 07.07.2011 N 21286) [Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, dated Jun 29, 2011 N 624n On approval of the procedure for issuing leaflets disability]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Ministra oborony RF ot 20.10.2014 N 770 (redaktsiya ot 31.07.2017) "O merakh po realizatsii v Vooruzhennykh Silakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii pravovykh aktov po voprosam provedeniya voyenno-vrachebnoy ekspertizy" (vmeste s "Trebovaniyami k sostoyaniyu zdorov'ya otdel'nykh kategoriy grazhdan") (Zaregistrirovano v Minyuste Rossii 08.12.2014 N 35094) [Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, dated Oct 20, 2014 N 770 On measures for implementation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of legal acts on military medical examination (together with Health requirements for certain categories citizens)]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPrikaz Ministra oborony RF ot 14.10.2015 N 615 "Ob opredelenii form dokumentatsii (krome unifitsirovannykh form meditsinskoy dokumentatsii), neobkhodimykh dlya deyatel'nosti voyenno-vrachebnykh komissiy, sozdannykh v Vooruzhennykh Silakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii" [Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, dated Oct 14, 2015 N 615 On definition of documentation forms (except for standardized medical documentation forms) required for activities of military medical commissions established in Armed Forces of the Russian Federation]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPostanovleniye Mintruda RF ot 15.04.2003 N 17 (redaktsiya ot 29.04.2005) "Ob utverzhdenii raz’yasneniya "Ob opredelenii federal'nymi gosudarstvennymi uchrezhdeniyami mediko- sotsial'noy ekspertizy prichin invalidnosti" (vmeste s raz’yasneniyem Mintruda RF ot 15.04.2003 N 1) [Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of Apr 15, 2003 N 17 on approval of clarification and determination federal government medical social examination of the causes of disability (together with clarification of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 15.04.2003 N 1)]. In Russ.). 510 0# _$aPis'mo Fonda Sotsial'nogo strakhovaniya RF ot 1.09.2000 N 02-18/10-5766 [Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, dated Sep 1, 2000 N 02-18 / 10-5766]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aOriyentirovochnyye sroki vremennoy netrudosposobnosti pri naiboleye rasprostranennykh zabolevaniyakh i travmakh (v sootvetstvii s MKB-10). Rekomendatsii dlya rukovoditeley lechebno-profilakticheskikh uchrezhdeniy i lechashchikh vrachey, spetsialistov-vrachey ispolnitel'nykh organov Fonda Sotsial'nogo strakhovaniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii», utverzhdennaya 18.08.2000, Minzdravom RF 21.08.2000 N 2510/9362-34, FSS RF 21.08.2000 g. N 02-08/10-1977P. [Estimated periods of temporary incapacity for work the most common diseases and injuries (in accordance with ICD-10). Recommendations for managers medical institutions and attending physicians, medical specialists of the executive bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aUkazaniye Ministerstva sotsial'nogo obespecheniya RSFSR 3.08.1990 N 1-110-U «O poryadke ustanovleniya invalidnosti s detstva vsledstviye raneniya, kontuzii ili uvech'ya, svyazannykh s boyevymi deystviyami v period Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny libo s ikh posledstviyami» [Guidelines of the Ministry of Social Welfare of the RSFSR on the procedure for establishing disability since childhood due to injury, contusion or injuries associated with hostilities during the Great Patriotic War or with their consequences]. (In Russ.). 510 0# _$aInformatsionnoye pis'mo FGBU «Federal'noye byuro mediko- sotsial'noy ekspertizy» FMBA Rossii «Perechen' metodov obsledovaniya grazhdan lechebno-profilakticheskimi uchrezhdeniyami, neobkhodimykh dlya napravleniya na mediko-sotsial'nuyu ekspertizu» [Information letter of Federal Bureau of Medical Social Expertise List of medical examination methods required for referral to medical and social expertise]. (In Russ.). 533 ## _$aThere is an electronic copy 856 4# _$armsj.ru _$u