13667nam#a2200745#i#450# 2787 20241203220103.2 20190812d2019####ek#y0engy0150####ca 978-5-6042215-2-5 xxu Forensic Medicine. MED030000 Право. Юридические науки. 34 Медицина. Охрана здоровья. 61 Прикладные отрасли медицины. 58 bbk Судебно-медицинская экспертиза. 31.08.10 okso Судебная экспертиза. 40.05.03 okso Судебная медицина и психиатрия. 7585 tbk Судебная экспертиза. 7586 tbk Прочие отрасли медицины и здравоохранения. 76.35 grnti Shakiryanova, Yuliya P 111 Main State Center of the Forensic and Criminalistics Examination of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Leonov, Sergey V 111 Main State Center of the Forensic and Criminalistics Examination of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Korabelnikov, Daniil Ivanovich Moscow Medical - Social Institute named after Friedrich Haass 3D-modeling in forensic medicine: a tutorial Textbook Moscow Moscow Medical - Social Institute named after Friedrich Haass 2019 86 p. The tutorial provides an overview of the main methods of creating three-dimensional (3D) models of objects and their applications. A step-by-step algorithm for creating virtual copies of objects based on digital photos and video frames using modern computer programs "AgisoftPhotoscan" and "ContextCapture" is described. Details of the necessary conditions for obtaining high-quality digital photos and models, especially the process of photography, the requirements for the resulting digital photos. Recommendations are given for obtaining digital photographs suitable for creating three-dimensional models in various fields of research. The theoretical foundations of the method of creating three-dimensional models using digital photographs are described in detail, the basic concepts used in three-dimensional modeling are defined. The areas of application of three-dimensional models in forensic medicine, as well as problems that can be solved with the help of the created models are determined. Established criteria, which may affect the accuracy of the models, the reproduction of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the research object. Illustrative examples from their own practice. three-dimensional models, 3D-modeling, photogrammetry, digital photography, forensic medicine, criminalistics 10.35571/MMSI.2019.1.001 Abramov SS, Boldyrev NI, Lyahoves AO. Ortimizasiya metoda nalozheniya rri identifikasii lishnosti ro shereru i rrizhiznennym fotosnimkam [Optimization of the overlay method for identifying a person by skull and intravital photographs]. 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